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If you have a question about employment law, then do please search this site using the search box above, check our site map or look at the postings on our blog.

However do feel free to otherwise call for a free initial chat with a qualified employment solicitor (employment lawyer) on 0207 118 0950

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Please note that this page and site incorporates our earlier site www.askemploymentlaw.org.uk


In the meantime, some topics which may be of interest are as follows:


  • Agency Workers: Equality of pay and other rights to agency workers from 1 Oct 2011 Read answer
  • Discrimination: When do Tribunals make awards for ‘injury to feelings’, and how much do they award? Read answer
  • Constructive Unfair Dismissal: Should I resign and claim constructive unfair dismissal? Read answer
  • Contract: How enforceable are discretionary bonuses? Read answer
  • Disciplinary Procedure: What is a fair disciplinary procedure? Read answer
  • Disciplinary Procedure: After disciplinary warnings lapse, can they be relied upon in subsequent proceedings? Read answer
  • Disciplinary Procedure: What is the right to be accompanied?  Read answer
  • Disciplinary Procedure: What is ‘Gross Misconduct’? Read answer
  • Redundancy: What is ‘redundancy’? Read answer
  • Unfair Dismissal: What will Employment Tribunals award for unfair dismissal?  Read answer

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